Glassware for ASTM D721, ASTM D3235 & IP 158 - 20850-0

ASTM D721-IP 158
ASTM D3235

Comprises air pressure regulator, filter stick and cooling tube with two assembly springs, and four 15 ml weighing bottles.

Glassware for ASTM D721, ASTM D3235 & IP 158 - 20850-0

Additional Information

CCCN CodeTariff 70171000


ASTM D721-IP 158
ASTM D3235
ASTM D721-IP 158 Standard test method for oil content of petroleum waxes
ASTM D3235 Standard test method for solvent extractables in petroleum waxes

Glassware for ASTM D721, ASTM D3235 & IP 158 - 20850-0